California Youth Transitions to Adulthood Study (CalYOUTH)

Fourth Wave of CalYOUTH Study Findings

Third Wave of CalYOUTH Study Findings

Associations between County-level Factors and Youth's Extended Foster Care Participation

Mark E. Courtney, Sunggeun (Ethan) Park, Nathanael J. Okpych, and Samiya Sayed

Youth's and Child Welfare Workers' Perceptions of Youths' Educational Preparedness

Adrianna Torres-Garcia, Nathanael J. Okpych, and Mark E. Courtney

Extended Foster Care Helps Los Angeles Youth
US News, Kateri Wozny, June 8, 2018

This report discusses the findings of the third wave of the CalYOUTH Transitions to Adulthood Study while featuring the challenges and successes of a Los Angeles youth who remained in extended foster care.

Second Wave of CalYOUTH Study Findings

CalYOUTH Thumbnail

CalYOUTH study Brief with Key Findings from the Second Wave of Youth Surveys at age 19

Chapin Hall and the California Child Welfare Co-Investment Partnership (2016)


Fostering Futures: A Forum on the CalYOUTH Study Findings 9:30 AM- 4:00 PM. Tuesday May 10th, Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA. This event included presentations and panels with Dr. Mark Courtney and his colleagues from Chapin Hall to facilitate a dialogue with stakeholders from Southern California on the policy and practice changes needed to improve the trajectories of youth in care. Click here for event Agenda and Panelist Bios.

Fostering Futures Panels and Panel Videos


- Mark Courtney; Professor, University of Chicago, and Chapin Hall Scholar

- Nathanael Okpych; CalYOUTH Researcher, University of Chicago
- Barry Fox; CWS Manager, County of San Diego
- Debbie Raucher; CA College Pathways Project Manager, John Burton Foundation
- Maria Serrano; First Place for Youth; Opportunity Youth Collaborative Young Leader, Alliance for Children’s Rights;
- Dominique Mikell; CalYOUTH Researcher, University of Chicago
- MaurissaSanders; Housing (THPP/THP+FC) Program Manager, L.A. County DCFS
- Luis Madrid; Associate TAY Division Director, Aspiranet
- Steven Ambrocio; Former Foster Youth


- Kune Park; CalYOUTH Researcher, University of Chicago
- Candy Caceres; Director of TAY Services, Children's Institute, Inc.
- Lynn Kleist; Health Care Services Chief, Orange County,
- Kamari ‘Kookie’ Wells; First Place for Youth; Opportunity Youth  Collaborative Young Leader, Alliance For Children’s Rights;


-Brooke Stevenson; CalYOUTH Researcher, University of Chicago
-Donna Fernandez; Program Manager, Los Angeles County DCFS
-Barbara Facher; Health Care Social Worker, Alliance for Children’s Rights
-Asia Powe; Youth in Extended Foster Care, Alliance for Children’s Rights


-Mark Courtney; Professor, University of Chicago, and Chapin Hall Scholar
-Rochelle Trochtenberg; State Ombudsman for Foster Care, CA Dept. of Social Services
-Hon. Michael Nash; Director, Los Angeles Office of Child Protection

CalYOUTH Overview

CalYOUTH Study Brief with Key Findings from the Baseline Youth Survey

Chapin Hall and the California Child Welfare Co-Investment Partnership (2014)

CalYOUTH: Conditions of Foster Youth at Age 17

Chapin Hall, The California Department of Social Services, County Welfare Directors Association of California; funding and input provided by: Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Stuart Foundation, Walter S. Johnson Foundation, Zellerbach Family Foundation, and the Annie E. Casey Foundation (2014)


Worker Survey Early Findings from the Child Welfare Worker Survey

Chapin Hall, The California Department of Social Services, County Welfare Directors Association of California; funding and input provided by: Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Stuart Foundation, Walter S. Johnson Foundation, Zellerbach Family Foundation, and the Annie E. Casey Foundation (2014)